Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Stick with you

you're lucky enough
to find someone
that makes you feel
like the only thing in the world,
don't be dumb enough to take it for granted.
Stick with them,
fight for them,
and never let go

Monday, June 20, 2011

Trying to look at the bright side

It's been almost a week since I was told about the news, and today, they keep on asking me the same thing.

"I heard rumors that you.. bla, bla, bla... Is it true?"

Hm... yeah, rumors. Well, I was only telling myself that it is all just a rumor, but the more people ask you, the more you'd feel like it is true. And that's it! I'll just try to look it at the bright side!

Well, yes undeniably, there were just so many things happened lately. The goods and the bads. If something good happens, of course you'll feel so pleased about it. But what if the bad thing happens? Would you cry? mourn? shout? laugh? stare? or just do nothing?

All the answers above, are just OK OK to me. I mean, maybe I'll do as those, but in the end, the moral of the story is ZERO. Thus, I'm trying to look at the bright side of it.

I have to admit that I somehow feel a little bit pressure about the news. There were also time when I keep on questioning myself.
Why it has to be me?
Why it has to be this way?
Why must it be this hard?

And the questions keep going on.. but again.. the moral of the story is ZERO.

So now, I guess the best thing is to accept the fact that, "my boss proposed my name for a transfer". And I will be soon transferred to "God knows where", maybe to a bigger city, maybe to other place with more challenging environment and culture.


I hope it'll be a good start. I hope, it'll be a better opportunity for me to gain more experience. I hope, it'll be a great stepping stone for me to build up my career.

And there, it makes me to ponder.

ps: Am still thankful, for I have supportive colleague who never fail to share experiences and advices through all the days.
pss: And him who always be there and listens.
pss: O Lord, give us guidance and courage to face the life ahead.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

.. losing grip...

Idk, but lately, I've been watching a lot of Malay dramas, and there, it makes me thinking a lot about life. I seldom watch Malay drama because to me, some of the plots appear to be so fake.. Well, I prefer more thrills and twists in the drama itself, in return, i'll ponder and try to relate the message in the drama to myself. I guess Hollywood dramas also applies to this, just the fact that, I'm not interested in something that doesn't give me anything or something I couldn't learn from...

And there, as always and what the audience expected too.. a drama always ends with a happy ending.. but the journey to a happy ending is not always easy..
there will always be the third party.. there will always be conflicts and arguments.. there will also be disappointment, heartbreaks and problems occurred..

Sometimes, it's all too much.. until at one time you feel like you can't take it anymore.. You keep on questioning yourself, when will such things going to end.. from personal to the organisation that you're working with.. It's all a big deals to you.. health problem, eating disorder, feelings, partner, mum and dad, siblings, financial, bills, workloads, colleague and boss, performance and reputation, expectation.. and the list goes on.. .. until, u feel like it's all too much..

Two lost souls trying to find way back

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Renungan: Keaiban Yang Ditutup Allah

Kita sebagai manusia merupakan makhluk yang bersifat lemah dan hamba yang penuh dengan kebergantungan kepada Allah SWT. Sepanjang kita hidup saban hari, kita tidak mungkin terlepas daripada melakukan dosa. Dosa yang kita lakukan itu boleh jadi secara terang-terangan atau secara sembunyi-sembunyi. Dosa yang terang-terangan akan mengundang rasa malu kita terhadap orang lain, melainkan jika hati kita sudah menjadi sekeras batu. Oleh itu, kita lebih banyak melakukan dosa yang tersembunyi. Dosa yang tidak siapa tahu melainkan kita dan Allah.

Daripada An Nawas bin Sam'an RA, Nabi SAW bersabda:

"Kebajikan itu keluhuran akhlak sedangkan dosa adalah apa-apa yang dirimu merasa ragu-ragu dan kamu tidak suka jika orang lain mengetahuinya." (HR Muslim)

Kalau dibukakan segala dosa yang kita lakukan, tentu tidak akan ada sesiapa yang akan menghormati kita. Kalau Allah membuka segala dosa yang kita lakukan sembunyi-sembunyi baik dalam pandangan, pendengaran, perbuatan, ataupun lintasan hati, nescaya tidak akan ada pun manusia yang mahu memuji kita. Pujian yang manusia berikan adalah atas zahir yang terlihat mata. Namun, kita tentu lebih mengenali diri sendiri dan lebih tahu bagaimana status kita.

Apakah kita berasa sangat suci sehingga tidak pernah melakukan dosa di belakang manusia atau diri kita ini penuh dengan dosa rahsia? Misalnya di saat kita seorang diri melayari internet dan tidak ada mata lain yang melihat, apakah kita sudah melepasi batas penglihatan yang diizinkan Allah? Bagaimana dengan prasangka buruk dalam hati kita yang telah dilemparkan kepada sekian banyak manusia lain tanpa pengetahuan mereka? Bagaimana pula dengan perbuatan-perbuatan kita tatkala berseorangan? Astaghfirullahalaziim, banyak sangat dosa kita!

Firman Allah:

"...Dan janganlah kamu mendekati perbuatan-perbuatan yang keji, baik yang nampak di antaranya maupun yang tersembunyi..." (Surah Al-An'am:151)

Allah Maha Penyayang dan Dia tahu betapa lemahnya kita. Lalu Dia menutup keaiban-keaiban kita sehingga kita mampu berjalan di tengah-tengah manusia tanpa rasa malu, sekalipun kita telah melakukan segunung dosa di belakang mereka. Namun, adalah sesuatu yang sangat takabur jika dengan Allah pun kita tidak berasa malu. Bukankah Allah mengetahui apa yang tidak diketahui oleh manusia lain tentang diri kita? Maka, setiap kali kita ingin melakukan dosa di belakang manusia, ingatlah bahawa ada Allah yang lebih patut kita rasa malu kepadaNya berbanding manusia.

Mengapa? Kerana di akhirat kelak bukan manusia yang akan menghitung amalan kita. Allah yang paling tahu tentang diri kita dan Dia jugalah yang akan menghitung amalan kita. Hanya dengan rahmatNya kita akan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga. Kalau kita merasakan lindungan Allah ke atas keaiban kita itu adalah satu zon selesa, maka kita silap. Boleh jadi keaiban yang Allah tutup sementara atas muka bumi ini akan dibukakan kepada seluruh umat manusia di akhirat kelak jika kita tak benar-benar bertaubat kepadaNya.

Kadang-kadang kita suka mencanangkan dosa orang lain, sekalipun dosa tersebut tidak diceritakannya kepada orang lain, hanya kepada kita. Ingatlah akan sebuah hadith:

Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. berkata:

"...Dan sesiapa yang menutup keaiban seorang muslim maka Allah ta'ala akan menutup keaibannya di dunia dan di akhirat. Dan Allah Ta'ala akan sentiasa menolong seorang hamba selama ia menolong saudaranya..." (HR Muslim)

Hadis ini menyeru kita untuk memelihara keaiban orang lain. Sebagai timbal balik, Allah akan menutup keaiban kita di dunia dan di akhirat. Subhanallah! Masihkah kita berhajat untuk mencanangkan dosa orang lain sehingga Allah juga akan membuka keaiban kita nanti? Malulah kepada Allah, takutlah kepada ancaman Allah. Jika kita hanya malu kepada manusia, kita tidak akan malu berbuat dosa di belakang mereka. Namun jika kita malu kepada Allah, kita akan sentiasa memelihara diri daripada dosa, dalam terang-terangan atau sembunyi-sembunyi.

Waspadalah akan firman Allah:

"Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang ingin agar (berita) perbuatan yang amat keji itu tersiar di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman, bagi mereka azab yang pedih di dunia dan di akhirat. Dan Allah mengetahui, sedang, kamu tidak mengetahui." (Surah An-Nuur: 19)

Apabila Allah telah menutup keaiban kita, janganlah pula kita yang membukanya. Setelah selesai dosa sembunyi-sembunyi kita, janganlah diceritakan kepada orang lain. Renungilah sebuah hadis di bawah:

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah RA ia berkata,

"Aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Seluruh umatku akan diampuni dosa-dosa kecuali orang-orang yang terang-terangan (berbuat dosa). Di antara orang-orang yang terang-terangan berbuat dosa adalah seseorang yang pada waktu malam berbuat dosa, kemudian di waktu pagi ia menceritakan kepada manusia dosa yang dia lakukan semalam, padahal Allah telah menutupi aibnya. Ia berkata, "Wahai fulan, semalam aku berbuat ini dan itu". Sebenarnya pada waktu malam Tuhannya telah menutupi perbuatannya itu, tetapi justru pagi harinya ia membuka aibnya sendiri yang telah ditutupi oleh Allah." (Muttafaqun 'alaih HR Bukhari dan Muslim).

Sungguh, Allah sentiasa menginginkan kebaikan bagi kita. Allah sentiasa membuka peluang dan ruang bagi kita untuk kembali bertaubat atas dosa yang kita lakukan di sebalik tabir. Namun, kita yang sebenarnya tidak mengambil peluang dan tidak menghargai tutupan-tutupan aib tersebut oleh Allah SWT. Setelah apa yang Allah lindungi daripada sekian banyak keaiban kita, apakah tidak wajar untuk kita bersyukur dan bertaubat? Renung-renungkan dan muhasabahlah diri kita, insyaAllah.

Source: iluvislam

Friday, June 3, 2011

That's what she said

She was there,
All long,
She stood there,
Loyal and still.

She listened to every sorrow,
and still,
She talked for whatever good,
and still,
She could have walk,
But she resisted,
So she stays..
Until today...

Because she'll never leave...

And that's what she said..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some things to ponder

"The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise."

At-Taubah (9:71)

ps: We turn to God when our foundations are shaking without knowing that it is God who is shaking them for reasons known to Him only.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

That isn't his heart on his sleeve. That is my heart.

"You got more than looks. You got spunk, too, and that's good. Now, do you have a heart?"

"I don't understand."

"Well, I'll grant you, it's a little complicated to me, too. Because less than two weeks ago, I picked up the Enquirer, and there was your picture, smack dab on the front page, with a story that says you got jilted by your fancy beau. A week later, you're married to my nephew, Cole."

Five days ago, she'd have been humiliated by the mere mention of that article. Instead a wayward smile curved her lips.

"Well, yes," she admitted, "I can't see how that would look a little odd."

"That's the only part makes sense," he contradicted bluntly.
"Cole was mad and I showed him the picture to make a point, and I figured he made a point right back by marrying you to get his stock back. But then he told me you're the little girl he used to talked about when he was in college, and I remembered your name was Diana Foster, so I know it's really you. Are you following me?"

"So far, yes."

"Okay. So I figured out the two of you are old friends, and you just got jilted, and Cole needed a wife to get his stock back-so you two struck a deal. How am I doing so far?"

Diana eyed him askance. "Pretty well," she admitted with a trembling smile.

"Now, I also know Cole also worries about my heart. So after he got over being boiling mad over the bargain I stuck him with, he decided it would be better, for my sake, if the two of you pretended you actually give a damn about each other. Are you with me?"

She nodded warily.

"Good, because now we're coming to the part that scares the hell out of me."

"What's that?"

"Yesterday he was up at the house driving everybody crazy about every little detail so it would be as nice for you as it could be. He was giving a damned good imitation of a man who thought a whole lot of his wife. I got real excited to meet you. Last night, he couldn't keep his eyes off you. But I've gotta tell you straight out, Diana, I didn't get the idea you shared his feelings. Yet, this morning, he's wearing his heart on his sleeve, so I figure you had something to do with that last night."

He paused for emphasis, his voice turning insistent as he reached the real issue:

"Don't go playing around with his heart, girl. Either take all of it or leave it alone. Don't go taking little bits and pieces, when it suits you-and if it suits you. I don't think it's in you to be mean or cruel, but sometimes, if a woman doesn't know how a man feels, that could happen."

Diana collapsed back against the sofa, laughing softly, hugging Cole's picture on her chest. She turned her face to the elderly man who loved her husband, too, and said, without shame or pretense, "Cole isn't wearing his heart on his sleeve. That is my heart."

(Extracted from Remember When by Judith McNaught)

Words to ponder

"Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of what you have."

I came across this quotation as I was flipping from page to page, the book that I bought last Monday. Yes, off from station again due to some duty need to be done, so I took this opportunity to at least get something for myself too. A small quotations book for a reminder to myself and maybe for us all to ponder.

"Do not pray unless you believe God will answer."

Since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a successful career woman. My mother used to tell me;

"Things don't come easily. You have to work hard."

Holding on mother's words since I was very little, I never have such word of 'give-up' in my 'dictionary of life'.

I still remember when I met some of my childhood friends yesterday, a mini-gathering that made us to reminisce the memory back when we were kids. One of my friends told me that I always get the first place in class, and there was one year, I fall to the second place, I cried. We all thought that was funny, and we laughed at it. They even said, that's just a small matter, who would want to bother so much about what number you'd get in class? But to me, I guess, it means a lot, though I was only a little girl that time. Expectations maybe.

Last Wednesday, after a long-hour work, due to an event that we need to work on, we went to get some drinks. Well, of course, it always be me who is the youngest among the members of the table. There was actually something they said, that had really stroke me.

"You cannot expect much from people because it could disappoint you."

Well, yes. Couldn't argue more to that statement.

So no argument. =)

I remembered, one of my uncles' words.

"In whatever you do, you need to concern the sensitivity of people around you."

I guess, whoever you are, whatever attitude you have, but when it comes to this social affairs, you have to try to blend in.

Come to think about it. Sometimes, there are just many things in life that you'd wish you wouldn't have to do it , for some people perhaps, but for real, acceptance means a lot to you.

"Sincerity is the way of heaven."

ps: Think big. You are who you think you are.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I am just me

I love to talk or even nag,
I love people who loves me, and kids because usually they'll love me =)
A meaningful life partner, perhaps,
Make the right choices, often I follow that little voice of mine,
I'm brave and fearless, please don't try me,
I do know what I want and what to do, mostly,
I don't pretend, and I don't like hypocrites,
Unpredictable... Ooops

I am just me

ps: Now I remember who I am
pss: And I'm doing good =)

Friday, May 20, 2011

You don't marry someone who you can live with but you marry with someone who you cannot live without

We all know that marriage is the ultimate display of one’s affection for another. It bonds people together with their love, for life. A ritual only done between two people who are sure of their feelings for each other and who are sure that they are mature enough to understand and make the commitment. But they also must understand the time and effort that must be put into creating and maintaining a healthy relationship and marriage. Marriages don’t magically make relationships perfect. They require work and dedications. And careful thought is also required during and especially before the commitment is made.

Communication and understanding are two extremely important parts of any relationship, especially something as big as marriage. You have to make sure that you can communicate properly with the person you are marrying. You must also be able to understand their point of view on certain subjects or situations. Understanding each other’s feelings and thoughts will bring you both closer and keep your relationship and dealings with each other healthy. You also need to make sure that you are able to talk to each other and listen. Give and take is an important part of this as well. You each must listen to each other equally and never automatically shoot down the other’s thoughts or make light of them.

When talking over a problem, you should be able to calmly and rationally discuss what is happening, listening to the other’s side of the story and what they are feeling about this. Then you will be able to see all side and resolve the issue in a sensible way. If you truly think love one another, you will be able to communicate well. But if communication is a problem, it could result in serious problems and you should not stay in any relationship like that.

Don’t get so caught up in life that you forget to keep the love in your relationship or take it for granted, like it will stay there and wait while you ignore it. People think that when you get married, anything you did while you were dating shouldn’t or doesn’t need to be done anymore. But your partner will react well to the smaller things. Buy them a present, send them some flowers. And don’t be afraid to take them out on a date. Even though you are not technically dating anymore, you two can still go out for a romantic dinner or see a movie. Just spend the night with each other. Kiss them each morning and when you come home after the day. Surprise them with a nice dinner when they get back to the house. Even send them a romantic card. There are so many little things you can do to make sure the love stays strong throughout the years.

Marriage is a huge step, so make sure you consider it carefully before rushing into it. Talk about it with your partner or talk to others you know and trust who are married and ask them what it’s been like for them. Think about whether you could live with this person. How much do you care about them? It’s okay to be unsure about it at first but if it is meant to be, that feeling will soon fade, especially if you put some thought into it. And if you know you want to spend your life with someone, and you will definitely be able to tell when you do, you shouldn’t hesitate. Never miss out on the chance to be with someone who may be your soul mate. And don’t miss out on a lifetime of love and caring.

As I said before, marriage is such a huge commitment so don’t rush into it, but also don’t wait too long. And don’t be afraid either. It’s a beautiful bond between two people and it shows how much someone cares about you. Also, it shows that you have finally found someone that you care about more than anything and that you will be

with forever. Never run from someone you know deep down that you love. You may stop being together but you will never stop caring.

Marriage is a great thing. Marry the person that you can’t live without and you will never have to. Create wonderful memories and love that will last a lifetime.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

But it wouldn't be my world without you in it

Eva: I knew it was too good to be true. Who is she?


Blair: Just because you're dressed poorly, it doesn't mean that you're not Chuck Bass.

Chuck: Why would I want to be him?

Blair: You should've told me you got shot.

Chuck: I'm surprised you didn't shoot me yourself.

Blair: I have... many times in my dreams. The good ones. But if you were really hurt, I would want to know.

Chuck: When I woke up, my I.D. was gone. Nobody knew who I was. Nobody was coming to look for me. I realized that I might be alive but Chuck Bass didn't have to be.

Blair: Changing your name doesn't change who you are.

Chuck: It's a good start. A chance to live simply, earn people's respect. Maybe become a person someone could love.

Blair: Someone did love you... And you owe it to her... and everyone you're leaving behind, not to run away, which is what you're doing. And I don't think that great man you're talking about wanting to be is a coward. I think he would face up to what he did.

Chuck: I destroyed the only thing I ever loved.

(Returning the ring)


Blair: I don't love you anymore.

(Eyes watering)

Blair: But it takes more than even you to destroy Blair Waldorf.

Chuck: Your world would be easier if I didn't come back.

Blair: That's true.


Blair: But it wouldn't be my world without you in it.

(Looking at each others' eyes)


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