Sunday, December 12, 2010

Because you were there

"Thank you"
"Because you were there"
"I was there because I chose to be with you and I'll be there no matter what circumstances you're in"
She cried again.

Life is not a fairytale. There are time when you would be tested with lists of unexpected challenges when you least expect them to happen. When you think that everything is doing so well, suddenly things just happen and you lose your grip. What would you do? Panic attacked? Cry out loud? Drive as fast as you can? Eat a lot of ice cream and chocolates? Lock yourself in the room and switch off the phone so that nobody can reach you?

If your answer is among all above, how do you feel after that? Better? Worse? Or heartless?

Well, no matter what your answer is, most of us will need a shoulder to cry on. Why? Because it hurts when you just keep it to yourself hoping that the wound will heal and fade away soon. But be careful, that 'shoulder' must be someone whom you trust most.

Knowing 'someone' is there for you when you were facing difficulties in life will somehow lessen the burden. Sometimes, life gets tough and you need the support of others to move on. And sometimes, life gets extremely tough, when you feel no one could help or support you except the ONE and only who will always listens. Yes, things happen for reasons, but HE who knows best.

And you are not alone, you will never be...

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