Saturday, May 7, 2011


Well, ever come across a feeling where you cannot even say what it is? Yep, you cannot even talk about it when people ask, hardly to put it in words or at least get a picture of it.

It is just indescribable.

Many times, people have been asking me;

How are you now?
How do you feel?
How did that happen?
OMG, are you ok?

Well, the next best thing is, I always caught up with the answer "indescribable" in me.

Yep, no kidding. But I guess, many of us would feel the same way too, right?

Personally, I think that most of us only can describe our feelings when there is too much of it. I mean, when you feel too happy or too sad about something, then, you'll be able to talk about it. Otherwise, you'll be caught up with the feeling of "indescribable".

Well, many things in life, when you are sure, you will be able to talk about it, describe, and even argue for your own stand. So I guess, it applies to feelings too. I always believe that hesitation is not a good sign. As someone who put a lot of trust in feelings, I always believe in what I feel. It feels so right to ask it deep down inside, what say you?

Well, some people would rather rely on scientific reasoning and facts, but most people would rather trust their instincts. But then of course, never overdo, because there should be a balance in both.

"Too much of something is bad enough" isn't it?

So, I guess, you know your taste better.


ps: You'll be sure about it when you know it's right.

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