Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life is...

My mom once told me,

"God will always test us with many challenges in life. Thus, we've got to be strong."

And my sister used to tell me,

"God tested us because of His love upon us."

Yes, life is a test.

Often people say,

"Life is like a drama"
"Life is like a novel, there many chapters in it"
"Life is like a box of chocolate, you'll never know what you're gonna get"

There are just undeniably many thoughts and wisdom about life. But to me...

"Life is a test"

But yet, despite of all challenges in life, the main point that we need to always remember and have faith on is, to be strong. There always be reasons for everything and sometimes, when you think that things turn to be bad, but actually it is not that bad at all. So, always have faith that you will find your happiness someday. =D

A friend once asked me,
"When you are facing difficulties in life, who will you consult or talk to?"

Surprisingly, I was speechless. Well yes, frankly speaking, I have problems to break out feelings to people, well yes, maybe sometimes there are exceptions when sometimes I do share stories and feelings with some close friends and loved ones, but mostly, I rather keep them to myself and which also actually, not a good thing to do.

"Sharing is caring"

Well, maybe this could apply. =D

When you share your thoughts and feelings with people, you would feel less burden with the things that you've been holding. Sometimes, sharing with the right person would give you the 'zing' and courage to move on. Sometimes, by telling people how you feel could actually make yourself feel better about certain things that bother you.

So, talk. But, be aware of whom you're talking to. Make sure he or she is someone who is trustworthy.




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